All different kinds of things.
Functioning condition, could be working condition. Has strap. EX. Shutter i..
Embossed on bottom, in a complete circle; J.B. WILLIAMS CO., CRANFORD N.J.,..
Could be 1970s or 1980s model. Some slight wear on bottom, well looked aft..
Comes from book; Albert Payson Terhunis True Dog Stories. In frame but can ..
At least 1/2 full. Glass lid which is darker than photo shows. Wild Country..
Embossing on glass front. Still has sticker. 2 fl. oz. / 57 ml. NMT. Wild C..
Still has sticker and is NMT+. Wild Country brand...
Bottle is 1/8 full. 3 Fl. Oz. / 85 ml. NMT+. Have another pole that is empt..
Avon Spicy brand in a 1.5 fl. oz. / 43 ml bottle. Still has sticker. NMT+...
Could be late 1960s. Still has sticker. 6 fl. oz...
NMT++, has sticker on bottom. 7 fl. ozs. / 179 ml...
Wild country brand in a 3 fl. oz./ 85 ml bottle. Still has sticker and is N..
Has, R, 2 - 5, embossed on bottom. NMT. Has sticker attached. Wild Country ..
Could be 1980s. Looks like it could be missing a piece which would fit over..
Still has sticker. Wild Country 4 fl. oz. bottle. NMT+...
Have 2 one with Wild Country cologne sticker the other with Deep Woods. 5 f..