All kinds of parallel card levels, sets, years. Also serial numbered cards. Cards will be NMT+ or better, stated if otherwise. No Jets, Canadiens, Gretzky, Lemieux or Roy. CS means condition sensitive and cards are subject to factory issues or are easily mishandled. If you notice a defect that is standing out in photo then that is probably series weakness. Black or non-white border series of cards are subject to corner issues. Quality offers excepted. II means inaugural issue of that particular set.
NMT/NMT++. Redemption card...
NMT/NMT++. Have 2 of 263...
NMT/NMT++. CS. II. Silver card is valued at 66% of listed price...
NMT/NMT++. CS. Embossed...
EX++/NMT+. CS!!! Paul Kariya in background of MacLean card...
NMT++. Rangers hockey stars. Stanley Cup Champion stamped on cards. Had to ..
NMT/NMT++. Rangers hockey stars. Topps. Stanley Cup Champion stamped on fro..
NMT/NMT++. II. Silver card is valued at 66% of listed price...
NMT/NMT++. Ray Bourque on card. New!..