Past issues both vintage and not. Not adverse to reasonable offers.
EX+/NMT. Very nice although has a few minor very small tears at bottom of 6..
EX++/NMT+. Very few smaller issues in great condition. Has slight fold in m..
EX+/NMT+. Has a few smaller issues. Very nice otherwise. Second owner. Foll..
EX++/NMT+. Very nice except for a few small issues including tiny tear fron..
VG+/EX++. Has the tear on front which folds around the back 1/3", some othe..
EX++/NMT. Very nice with only a few minor issues. Bottom seam corner slight..
EX++/NMT+. Some minor issues here and there otherwise nice. Following names..
EX+/NMT. Only a few minor issues to deal with, very nice otherwise. Second ..
EX++/NMT+. Has a few small issues nothing major. Second owner. Following ap..
EX/NMT. Very nice although has a few small non-major issues to deal with. S..
VG/NMT. Very nice shape but missing 20 pages that is both sides of 10 pages..
Cover is NMT+ and inside NMT++. One owner...
EX++/NMT+. Very few minor owies otherwise nice. Slight fold in middle front..
EX++/NMT+. Very nice with only a few minor owies. Second owner. Following a..
VG+/NMT. Has a tear opening at spine near bottom which extends through over..
EX++/NMT+. Very nice with only a couple minor issues. Has a slight fold mid..
EX++/NMT. Very nice with only a few minor issues. Has a fold middle front f..
EX++/NMT+. Very nice with a couple minor issues here and there. Minor fold ..
EX++/NMT. Very few smaller issues otherwise very nice. Has slight fold midd..
EX++/NMT+. Couple of pages with minor fraying on top edging, slight fold fr..